Doing Your Work

The basic reason why students have conflicts with their parents is because they have different point of views on how much is a lot of work. If you decide to focus and finish all your homework in two hours, they will nag you to do your work even if you are done. The resolution to this problem is rather simple if you lie to your parents. These types of issues can’t be dealt with the methods told by adults. Adults will probably tell you to set a certain time in which you can relax. The thing about this resolution is, it may work for a while, but as time goes on, you will find your free time shrinking and things will go back to before you set that time of free time. Another resolution adults may give you is, prove that you are capable of doing work and playing so your parents won’t nag you by getting a high grade. I’m sorry but this method won’t work either. If you get an A but not a hundred, your parents will say, “See? Since you didn’t work that extra hour like I told you you couldn’t get a 100 percent” Now we all know that 1 hour is an understatement for how many hours your parents nag you to do, and you know that it is really impossible to get a 100 percent. The method that works is, pretend you are doing your work and relax. If you are using a mac, there is something called Spaces that can save you. If you click the apple at the far left corner, and go to system preferences, You will find Expose and Spaces. With that you can flip your screen when your parents come and pretend you are doing your work. If you have windows, you don’t have to worry, there is something called double desktop that will save you. You can download it in google, and flip the screen when your parents come. One thing you have to watch out about this is that your page has to be relatively full for you to use this method. It is usually wise to open a document, or a page with many vocabulary words so it seems as if you are studying for a test. One thing you have to watch out about this issue is that you have to finish your work, and finish studying for tests/ quizzes etc. If you are not done with your work and you forget to finish it, this method may fireback later.

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